Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The test again!!

Well, I got up at 6 this morning, had them wrap up my PICC line so I could shower.  I dried my hair, and put my makeup on.

I asked my nurse about wearing normal clothes, because I am pretty confident I will go home today!  She said I had to wear my gowns down to X Ray, but then depending on how it looked, when I came back up, I could get dressed.

Well, went down, got the "cleaning fluid"  LOL to drink, and stood, waiting for the Dr. to come in.  Well this was a woman Dr. and she was NOT very kind looking.  I took a sip before she got there, we turned on the screen..... and.... it was already in the bottom of my new stomach!!!!  I took another sip, and you could see it sitting at the top of my stomach again for a bit, then it started to go down.  It was not going down as well as it could have been, but it did fine. 

So.... up to the 5th floor I went again... and got dressed...... it didn't even take me 30 minutes to have my bags all packed.  Now just to wait to hear from the Dr.  then I could start the liquid diet, and if it all sits well.... I can go home!!

Well, that was at 10 am.  Dr. Naik didn't show up in my room until 3:30!  Grrrrrrrrrrr!  He told me I would NOT being going home today.  He said I could start the liquid diet, but that he wanted me to stay throughout the night to make sure everything was ok.  He said as long as it went alright, he would let me go "first thing" in the morning.  I asked him what time "first thing" was.  He said 10 or so..... I said no... how about 8?  He said ok :)  So, as sad as I am to be here away from my family...just one more night!

Below is a picture of me with my first "meal" in a week!  The beef broth was AMAZING to me.  The Jell-O didn't sit so well, but the pudding did fine :)

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