Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 1 Post Op

Well, first thing this morning transport showed up to take me down to X Ray for my Upper GI.  There was another lady in front of me, so while I was waiting for her to get done, I did what any other nosy woman would do, and watched through the door window at her scan.  I could see the fluid traveling down through her new stomach.  What they are normally looking for when doing this scan on us patients to ensure that there are no leaks from the stapling/sealing process. 

Next, it was my turn, I walked into the room, stood in front of the machine and got ready to drink the nasty barium stuff.  Well, this fluid was different than the white chalky kind I drank years ago.  This was clear, and I'm pretty certain that it tastes just like some sort of cleaning fluid .... YUCK!!!!  The good thing was, I didn't have to drink more than two sips. 

They have a Dr. in the room to watch the scan.  He asked me to take a sip, I did.  I waited and waited for 12 hours when he finally came in to talk to me.  He told me that according to the scan, none of the fluid was going through.  He thought this was probably from all of the swelling inside, afterall, I had 3 surgeries in 1, and he had thrown away 3/4 of my stomach, and it wasn't very happy about that.  He thought that if we could wait a couple more days, and re-check on Friday, all would be better.

So, here I sit.... or lay! :)

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