Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Surgery Day!!!

Well, here it is FINALLY!  We arrived at the hospital just before our 7 o'clock appointed time.  They took me right back to pre-op and we got the process going.  After doing all the routine who are you and why are you here things, they wrapped my legs/feet, and started my IV.  Dr. Naik came in just after 9, and then they wheeled me down the hall, and sent my husband the other way to wait. 

By 1pm I was on the fifth floor, in my room.  Dr. Naik had talked with my husband and told him all went well.  I had the sleeve done, as well as a hiatal hernia repair, and got rid of my stone ridden gall bladder. 

I was so nauseated, it was ridiculous, but I never did actually vomit.  They were great at staying on top of that!  They let me know that I would not be able to have anything to eat or drink until the next day, after my Upper GI.  That was fine with me, you see... as I said... I was nauseated!!

Everyone always says walk walk walk after surgery, so I did just that.  I walked a lap around the floor. 

Sleeping lots and lots!

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