Thursday, July 25, 2013

Another week down - 3 weeks post-op - Another Upper GI

Hello to everyone.  Sorry that I have waited a week... the exhaustion from the surgery and lack of nutrients is hard on me!  I will get better :)

Another week has gone by, I have tried to eat different things.  Some work, some don't.  Tuna goes down ok.  Eggs on the other hand - HECK NO!!  I feel a lot of pressure, and a bit of pain if I drink too fast, or if I try to eat things that my body is clearly not ready for (eggs).  More than pain it is just discomfort that passes in about 20 minutes or so.

I still struggle to get my 64 oz. of liquid in me.  I drink 1 premier protein from 7-9:30 in the mornings, then have some soup or yogurt at 11.  I try to drink at least 16 oz. of water before I leave work at 3:30.  Sometimes it happens, other days it does not.  I feel I'm trying my best though.

The other day I got my chewable multi-vitamins from Bariatric Advantage, so I grabbed one as Isabel (14 yr old) and I ran out the door.  Well that didn't go very well!  I got to the babysitters to pick up Brooklyn (2 yr old), and couldn't make it down the driveway without stopping the car and opening the door... all the while seriously praying I could just keep it down.  I have since decided that I will wait a while on the vitamins because my tummy just can't handle them.  I am going to look for some powdered Thiamin(B1) tonight because that is the most important one for me to get in right now.

I went to have another upper GI on Tuesday.  It continues to look better, but things are still clearly not completely normal.  We will continue to monitor.  I have an appointment with my surgeon later today.

My boss made fun of my pants at work yesterday.  She said something about them looking more like a skirt.. ha ha ha!  Well, that made me stop by the store last night to buy a pair of pants for work.  My work environment is business casual, so capris are the thing for the summer of course :) Well what an adventure that was!  I used to wear 26/28(3X) sometimes 22/24(2X)... and if I were lucky maybe a stretchy pant 18/20(1X)... (but that was years ago).  Well, I went to the racks and grabbed 5 pairs of 22 and two 20's - totally being optimistic here - and a couple of blouses.  I went to the dressing room, and much to my surprise NONE of the clothes fit.  NONE!!!  I couldn't believe it!  They were all too BIG!  WOWWWWWWW!!!  I ended up with a size 18 pants and an XL t-shirt!  My pants size no longer starts with a 2!  I'm so grateful :)

Normally, I would never post a picture, but here is one from the dressing room last night :)


  1. Oh my gosh, you look fabulous! Good job. Hang in there with the liquid and keeping stuff down.
