Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 3 Post Op - FRIDAY!!!

Well here it is!  FRIDAY!!  Time for me to take my "test" again.

I took a shower last night, so I feel a little more normal, and am looking forward to getting some liquids in me so I can go home!!!


Transport came to get me again, just a little after 8.  I went down to X-Ray, which was hoppin today!  I was first on the list though, so in I went!  They brought a Dr. in to look at my scan.  I took the first sip, he had me turn, take another sip, then turn back, then he asked me just to dry swallow.  Well, it didn't sound so good, so I looked at the screen.  He showed me how there was now a tiny tiny tiny little trickle of fluid now going down into my new stomach..... good thing was there were no leaks!  Bad thing.... well... I figured my nurse would again be telling me I failed.

Sure enough, I got back upstairs to the cold 5th floor, and waited to see my Dr.  He didn't come until late in the afternoon, and told me that I have to stay through the weekend, and re-do the test on Monday.  WHAT?????!!!!  This was supposed to be an overnight stay, and here we are looking at at least a 6 day stay.  ugghhhhhhhhhh

My 2 year old keeps asking me if I'm "coming" with them every night when they leave.... this is NOT what I thought I signed up for... but.... we all know that there are risks.

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