Tuesday, June 18, 2013

It begins..... 2 week liquid diet!

Well hi there to everyone.  Some of you may know me, some of you may not.  Either way, most of you don't know about what I have been doing, and what I'm about to do. 

I have my Gastric Sleeve surgery scheduled for Monday, July 2, 2013.  I made the decision last fall after failing AGAIN to lose the weight.  I have thought about it for years.  In January I went to my first appointment at Kaiser, and was referred to the program.  After going to twelve weeks of classes, and learning A LOT, I was referred to the surgeon which took another 2-3 weeks.  Well, that was last Tuesday.  He asked that I try to lose an additional 14 lbs. before the surgery date (I'd already lost 26).  He also said that within that <3weeks I do 2 weeks of his liquid diet.  So, my diet starting yesterday, consists of just protein shakes, water, crystal light, sugar free Jell-O, broth, and then one egg and one cheese stick a day.  Whoooo Hooooo!  Right?!  NOOOOOOOOOOO.  It is HARD!!  I've heard the first 3 days are the worst though, so I'm hanging in there :)

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