Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 9 - X ray, EKG, and blood work

Busy Busy Busy! On top of dealing with issues at home, I worked, left an hour early to head out to Kaiser.  Had the EKG done, the chest x-ray, and my pre-op blood work!  Now nothing left to do but weight in on Monday, and show up at the hospital on Tuesday :)

Busy days like that are great for times like these.  Keeps my mind off of what I can't have, and allows me to go on with what needs to be done.  I did sit down at Panda Express with family though, and had absolutely nothing.  Didn't really bother me.  REALLY wish the leftovers wouldn't have had to sit in the car on the way home though!  Oh the lovely smell of orange chicken!  I made it home, scrambled 2 eggs, and was good.  I remembered to get some sugar free Jell-O, so I enjoyed one of those.

I'm getting more and more excited, but I'm also getting more and more tired.  Can't wait to get this done, and recover so I can start all my other medications again and hopefully have more energy!

I gave away more clothes from my closet today.  That is a really good feeling, but still a little scary if I'm honest.  I've done that before, and then gained weight back and wished I hadn't :/

Hope all of you are winning your health battles today :)

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