Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 3 - Liquid

Well, today has started better than the last two, had a shake for breakfast, now I'm having one for lunch, along with a cheese stick.  I'm not nearly as hungry anymore, and I don't have much of a headache either!  Yay!

I did drink a Crystal Light Energy this morning though, because I really struggled with the fatigue yesterday.

On top of having this crazy diet to follow, I am no longer on any of my medications which make me even more tired.

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Fibromyalgia.  I also have high blood pressure, but I'm planning on that going away once some of this weight is gone! I am unable to exercise at the moment due to a back injury from a car accident late last year, so I'm a bit of a mess :/  Don't feel bad for me though!  Things are definitely looking up.  I am trying to believe that some of this back pain/leg pain will go away with the weight loss also!

Yesterday I had a scrambled egg for dinner, today, I think I'll have some broth.  LOL sounds funny to think of those as meals... but I hope it works.  I want to be in the best shape possible for the surgeon.  Apparently this liquid diet allows the liver to shrink down so it is easier to operate on the stomach.

Here's to another day going by and getting closer!

1 comment:

  1. well sweetie I am praying for you. I couldn't do it I am a coward.
