Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 4 - Liquid

Well, I know I said I was doing ok yesterday, but looking back I'm not so sure.

You see, not eating food is not easy.  Especially when you have a family.  My teenagers were asking for dinner last night.  I told them both to go find something.  I bought several things pre-cooked for them to have this week because I figured it might be difficult for me to be in the kitchen cooking and then NOT eating.

Well, they dealt with it, and they aren't starving... HOWEVER........... I completely forgot about my 2 year old!  We played, I gave her a bath, we went for a walk... then when my husband got home after 8 pm, he asked me what she had eaten.... UH OH!!!!!  I hadn't even thought of feeding her!!  What kind of mother does that??!!!  This brain of mine had better learn to function for the next week and a half!  I feel so terrible, just can't believe I didn't think about it.  I guess I was drinking water, so was she... so.... well, I failed her yesterday.  It will not happen again though!

I was a bit hungry last night, but did just fine without anything.

Today, I'm not hungry at all, no headaches, things are much better.  Now if only it were just a 1 week liquid diet, I could be certain I can do it.... I still have over a week to go though... we'll see how I do day by day!

On a good note, it is nice to not need to unbutton my pants when running to the restroom!  I find it is very true what they say.... "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels".  To be honest, these chocolate protein shakes taste fine.

I found that the cheapest ready made drinks were the best tasting to me, and have the required amount of protein, and those are the Premier Protein from Costco.

I'm going to call today to schedule my pre-op EKG, so I can do my labs at the same time!  It's getting a little more real every day!  I'm also going to go to the support group that meets weekly through Kaiser.  I've been once before, it will be nice to go get some more great advice from some of the successful people there :)

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