Saturday, June 29, 2013


Well, I made it! I check in tomorrow morning at 7!! I've lost 10 of the 14 pounds that the surgeon was wanting, and he gave the go ahead! 
It has not been easy the past few days, I've wanted food so badly, but soon, I'll be able to taste things other than eggs, cheese, and protein drinks! I'm very husband, not so much. 

I'm posting a couple of pictures that show my diet restrictions/plan that I got from Kaiser to help guide us through the next phase in this journey.  I'm so grateful to be here, the night before :)

Friday, June 28, 2013

Pre-Registration - check!

The process did take 1 1/2 hrs, and I followed their advice of not taking children with you.... VERY good idea.  That would have been terrible! 

Anyway, that being said.  The process was fairly easy, just time consuming.  They verified all of my information, got my ID and Insurance card copied, asked about my copay which is $500.00/day.  I should only be in the hospital overnight.  They gave me the option to pay at that time, or when I check in.  Thought that was nice.  I mean, what if I back out?!  JUST KIDDING!  I won't!!

I'm getting more and more excited about this whole thing!  I know how hard it is going to be, and I welcome the challenges that lie ahead. 

I got a nifty little breathing tube thing to practice my breathing on... weird... I can't even come close to how they want me to be, that is HARD!  I guess that's why I have all weekend to practice :)  It's times like this I wish I would have kept up with all the singing I used to do, it sure helps with breathing!!

They also gave me a special soap to bathe with, and they must think I'm pretty dirty, because they said I have to shower on Monday night AND on Tuesday morning.  No hair products, no makeup, and NO nail polish!!  What??!! (well to be honest, she said as long as my two pointer fingers just have clear on them, I'll be ok)  LOL  I asked about fake eyelashes... but she said that with the ointment they put in my eyes, and the fact they will be taping my eyes shut, they might not make it through the surgery too well :)  Guess maybe this is why I stopped having mine done a month or so ago, right?!  ;)

My husband can't stand to talk about any of this right now, says his stomach just gets in knots at the thought of it...... silly man!  Doesn't he know he should focus on the hottie he's going to have in the next year or two?!  Of course, it's not that he doesn't think I'm quite something now... just sayin.... lol

Other than the lack of my cooking in the house recently I'm not sure that my children even realize that it's coming up so quickly.  Oh well, that's teenagers for ya!

I've only been getting 2-3 of these protein drinks in me each day, so I'm working on that today.  Going to make sure I get at least 3 in, maybe 4.  I want to make sure I have some strength built up!  Also, ordering my chewable vitamins finally today! I'm such a procrastinator!

Hope you are all winning your battles today!  We can do this :)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day...who knows??.... Liquid diets stink!!!

Well, other than being so tired I literally can't walk straight, all is well :)

I'm getting more excited, going today for the pre-registration appointment.  I don't understand why we have to go in to do it in person, but oh well!

I have really come to despise the smell of food!  It seems that everyone has been buying the greasiest, yummiest food ever this week at work.  It's very hard to be sincerely happy about saying "oh yay! Let me go grab my chocolate protein drink"  or "I can chew on some ice!" 

This is truly one of the hardest things I've ever done, and I'll be glad to be through the surgery and onto the other side of things when I can at least have cream soups!!  (after the first few days). 

Emotionally I'm still not the nicest person around, but I'm also so tired that I don't really get too mad about anything either.  My kids might light how "laid-back" I seem right now :)

I'm only down 6 lbs since starting this liquid, and my goal is to be down another 8 by Tuesday morning.  Don't think it's going to happen, but oh well!

Hope you are all doing good with your goals today!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 9 - X ray, EKG, and blood work

Busy Busy Busy! On top of dealing with issues at home, I worked, left an hour early to head out to Kaiser.  Had the EKG done, the chest x-ray, and my pre-op blood work!  Now nothing left to do but weight in on Monday, and show up at the hospital on Tuesday :)

Busy days like that are great for times like these.  Keeps my mind off of what I can't have, and allows me to go on with what needs to be done.  I did sit down at Panda Express with family though, and had absolutely nothing.  Didn't really bother me.  REALLY wish the leftovers wouldn't have had to sit in the car on the way home though!  Oh the lovely smell of orange chicken!  I made it home, scrambled 2 eggs, and was good.  I remembered to get some sugar free Jell-O, so I enjoyed one of those.

I'm getting more and more excited, but I'm also getting more and more tired.  Can't wait to get this done, and recover so I can start all my other medications again and hopefully have more energy!

I gave away more clothes from my closet today.  That is a really good feeling, but still a little scary if I'm honest.  I've done that before, and then gained weight back and wished I hadn't :/

Hope all of you are winning your health battles today :)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Days 6 -8 Liquid - Doing fine!

Well, I made it through the full weekend!  Ate some veggies (non-starchy) each day, but didn't eat all the cheese or eggs that I could.  I feel MUCH better eating a small piece of fruit a few times (2-3) a day.  By small I mean 1/4 of an apple at a time, or 1/4 of a banana. 

My weight was 245.5 yesterday!  Definitely getting away from that 250!  Super exciting.  I'm finally almost down to where I was before my last child (242).  I'm feeling happy and excited about finally conquering this weight issue!

Emotionally I have not been the best person to be around.  Quite a bit more sensitive than usual, and definitely much "crankier" than normal.  Oh well!  Deal with it!  I'm working hard here!!  LOL :)

I'm not drinking more than 3 of the protein drinks a day.  Some days I only get 2 down, but I'm not too worried about that.

I haven't been able to test flavors of Isopure yet, but we will be getting some this weekend so I have them before I'm out of surgery.  My main concern for this today is that I get my vitamins ordered and here before surgery.  After you have a procedure like this done, you are unable to digest certain types of coatings on vitamins/pills.  I could not find any type of B1 supplement that would work, so I am going to the bariatric advantage site to order some.

I will be posting pictures soon so you can all watch along with me the changes that are happening, and will continue!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 5 Liquid - Did I hear someone say fruit????!!!

Well, I did make it to the support group on Wednesday night.  It was really great to learn more from people who have just recently gone through the surgery, as well as those who are years out!  Lots of great information.  The greatest thing I think I heard was from the dietician who joined us reminding me that it is ok to have a small piece of fruit 3 times a day when I drink my protein.  This helps us keep from getting that "dumb" brain syndrome.  Our body needs carbs to be able to function properly.  It was difficult for me to wrap my brain around, knowing I'm supposed to be all liquid.  It did help me get through the day at work much better though.  We can also eat non starchy vegetables if we need to.  Putting so much protein in our bodies causes some stomach/intestinal issues for some.  This is not fun, but with advice from others I think we all got plenty of ideas for feeling better.

On top of bloating issues right now, eating the fruit and a few veggies made me feel like I had gained 5 lbs.  The scale still shows a loss though.  I'm thankful for that!  I'm actually under 250!  This is the first time that I don't fear it will go back up to that number.  I'm done with this back and forth thing that I've done for so long.  Don't get me wrong, I still sit here a couple times a day wondering about this decision.  Then I remember.... I want to LIVE.  If I could do this on my own, I would have by now.  I need this help, and it's ok.  I will be successful with this tool to help me for a bit.

Hope everyone has a great day :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 4 - Liquid

Well, I know I said I was doing ok yesterday, but looking back I'm not so sure.

You see, not eating food is not easy.  Especially when you have a family.  My teenagers were asking for dinner last night.  I told them both to go find something.  I bought several things pre-cooked for them to have this week because I figured it might be difficult for me to be in the kitchen cooking and then NOT eating.

Well, they dealt with it, and they aren't starving... HOWEVER........... I completely forgot about my 2 year old!  We played, I gave her a bath, we went for a walk... then when my husband got home after 8 pm, he asked me what she had eaten.... UH OH!!!!!  I hadn't even thought of feeding her!!  What kind of mother does that??!!!  This brain of mine had better learn to function for the next week and a half!  I feel so terrible, just can't believe I didn't think about it.  I guess I was drinking water, so was she... so.... well, I failed her yesterday.  It will not happen again though!

I was a bit hungry last night, but did just fine without anything.

Today, I'm not hungry at all, no headaches, things are much better.  Now if only it were just a 1 week liquid diet, I could be certain I can do it.... I still have over a week to go though... we'll see how I do day by day!

On a good note, it is nice to not need to unbutton my pants when running to the restroom!  I find it is very true what they say.... "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels".  To be honest, these chocolate protein shakes taste fine.

I found that the cheapest ready made drinks were the best tasting to me, and have the required amount of protein, and those are the Premier Protein from Costco.

I'm going to call today to schedule my pre-op EKG, so I can do my labs at the same time!  It's getting a little more real every day!  I'm also going to go to the support group that meets weekly through Kaiser.  I've been once before, it will be nice to go get some more great advice from some of the successful people there :)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How I got here..... part 1

I say part 1, because I'm sure there will be more to follow. 

How I got here - obviously, I have a bit of a weight issue.  I have tried and been successful (and failed) at many different diet plans (weight watchers, medifast, Jenny Craig, etc.).  About 5 years ago, I was at my highest weight.  I haven't told many people the actual number..... but here it is ...... 317.  Wow, that is so sad to even type.  Well at that time, I was still a bit younger, had a bit of energy, no tiny kids at home... and was in a fairly happy place in my life.  I joined the gym, and got a personal trainer.  I also signed up and paid a fortune for a weight loss program that within a year went bankrupt.  However, I did get the kick start I needed to lose weight.  I truly had the greatest trainer, who now has his own business and has done very well for many people.  Within a year or two I had dropped down to 242 and was much healthier.  I had plenty of energy and was feeling better. 

Then I got lazy again.  Financial reasons and family changes kept me from getting to the gym and to my trainer.  I went right back into eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.  Well, of course that didn't go so well.  Then, I got divorced and remarried :)  Well that will make anyone happy enough to eat!  If not, get pregnant too... that will for sure do it! 

So as the little one was approaching two, I knew I had to do something in order to LIVE.  With family members who have heart disease and diabetes, I knew that I needed to get my body in shape.  I have several children that I want to LIVE for, not just be here for.  I hope that makes sense to all of you. I need the pain I'm experiencing to go away, and I NEED to have energy! 

In January 2013 I started with thinking about the Lap Band.... well after going to a seminar, I quickly learned it wasn't for me.  Not only was the office filthy, the Dr. unkept, but they wanted to charge an additional $4000.00 above what my husbands insurance would pay.  No thanks!

So, I was then referred through Kaiser to their bariatric program and attended the orientation.  Great information from that first classroom experience.  I signed up to begin the classes that following Tuesday, which began my 12 week prep work!  

..... if there is to be a part 2, I'd better stop there for now :) 
Day 3 - Liquid

Well, today has started better than the last two, had a shake for breakfast, now I'm having one for lunch, along with a cheese stick.  I'm not nearly as hungry anymore, and I don't have much of a headache either!  Yay!

I did drink a Crystal Light Energy this morning though, because I really struggled with the fatigue yesterday.

On top of having this crazy diet to follow, I am no longer on any of my medications which make me even more tired.

I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Fibromyalgia.  I also have high blood pressure, but I'm planning on that going away once some of this weight is gone! I am unable to exercise at the moment due to a back injury from a car accident late last year, so I'm a bit of a mess :/  Don't feel bad for me though!  Things are definitely looking up.  I am trying to believe that some of this back pain/leg pain will go away with the weight loss also!

Yesterday I had a scrambled egg for dinner, today, I think I'll have some broth.  LOL sounds funny to think of those as meals... but I hope it works.  I want to be in the best shape possible for the surgeon.  Apparently this liquid diet allows the liver to shrink down so it is easier to operate on the stomach.

Here's to another day going by and getting closer!

It begins..... 2 week liquid diet!

Well hi there to everyone.  Some of you may know me, some of you may not.  Either way, most of you don't know about what I have been doing, and what I'm about to do. 

I have my Gastric Sleeve surgery scheduled for Monday, July 2, 2013.  I made the decision last fall after failing AGAIN to lose the weight.  I have thought about it for years.  In January I went to my first appointment at Kaiser, and was referred to the program.  After going to twelve weeks of classes, and learning A LOT, I was referred to the surgeon which took another 2-3 weeks.  Well, that was last Tuesday.  He asked that I try to lose an additional 14 lbs. before the surgery date (I'd already lost 26).  He also said that within that <3weeks I do 2 weeks of his liquid diet.  So, my diet starting yesterday, consists of just protein shakes, water, crystal light, sugar free Jell-O, broth, and then one egg and one cheese stick a day.  Whoooo Hooooo!  Right?!  NOOOOOOOOOOO.  It is HARD!!  I've heard the first 3 days are the worst though, so I'm hanging in there :)