Monday, August 12, 2013

5 weeks after surgery....

Well I have made it this far... and things are going just fine.  My energy level is starting to pick up, whether it be from my medication, or finally coming out the of sedation from surgery, I'm VERY grateful! 

Food - Not really worth trying new things, usually just causes discomfort and pain.  I'm happy with my yogurt, protein drinks, and soups.  I've tried fish, even tuna just doesn't sit very well.  I've also learned that eating things like that make me super tired!  I still struggle with getting all of my fluids in, but it is getting easier.  I get 1- 1/2 bottles of water down and a protein drink... so with the melted ice and popsicles throughout the day, I get 35-40 oz.  Of course I'm supposed to get at least 64... but I'm working on it!

Exercise - Not happening right now... too tired and in too much pain from other issues (RA and Fibro)

Weight Loss - I really haven't lost more weight, the scale shows a lower number, then a higher number so I'm ignoring it.  Everyone says I'm looking great and getting smaller.. so I'll just go with that for now!

fyi - ice water goes down great, and I can drink more when it's ice cold :)

Hope things are going well for all of you and your health challenges. 

Goal for this week is to get at least 2 days of exercise in! 

Also - if anyone has a secret to firming up the "waddle" that I am developing from this weight loss?  I need some help!

Thanks for all of the support!  Talk to you all soon! Oh... and if you are coming here from my Facebook page - I don't put up a link every time I post... you might see others if you look back :)

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