Friday, January 3, 2014

Still on track....

Well here I am again!  Lots of things the same, lots of things different.

Let's see, I guess I will begin with the basics:

Food - Still drink Costco's Premier Protein for breakfast each day.

Lunch varies.... protein protein protein is the key... cottage cheese, sliced deli meat, fish, chicken.

I still cannot do cheese or eggs.  They just hurt... kind of figure this is going to be a lifelong issue.  I'm fine with that.  We really don't need dairy in our diets anyway!

Dinner - I have found that I can eat a larger quantity now (about 3/4 cup).  Of course the key is... EAT SLOWLY!!!!  I don't always do this, then I'm in pain and paying for it later.

I made it through Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Cooked large meals on both occasions for my family.  Ate a little tiny bit of each thing I wanted.  For the most part it went well..... for the most part.  :)

I ate some "pink fluff"  LOL that is what we call it... cottage cheese, strawberry gelatin, crushed pineapple, cool whip, and mini marshmallows.  Well... although it went fine at Thanksgiving, it didn't go so well at Christmas.  I'm not sure if it was the marshmallows (I didn't eat them the first time) or if I had just eaten too much.  What I do know is that I felt what others have been talking about.  A LOT of pain, and I was running to the restroom trying to keep it down.  This did not go so well, and I will NOT be doing that again!

I finally did enter "Onederland" on November 20th, and am currently at 189.5!! 

I finally made it back to see my surgeon, who wants me to repeat another upper GI so we can see how the "blockage" issue is going.  He said I should be able to eat and drink more at a time than I am.  Well, those of you whom know me... we'll see if I really get around to doing that.  :)  I feel like I can eat fine now.  My only concern is my lack of energy and loss of muscle.  I really want to start working out again, but between my back issues and my exhaustion I am REALLY struggling.

Fun things these days:  I don't recognize myself in photos!  Honestly... my husband took the below picture of my daughter and I, and moments later handed me my phone... I literally pulled my head back in shock at what I was seeing.. or who?? was I seeing??  

I still find it amazing that I have knuckles... hahahaha!  I hadn't seen them in years!

I am wearing a size 16 very comfortably.  Still struggling to keep my pants up at work most days.  I just can't see spending more money on clothes if the sizes are going to continue to change.  

The one thing that I struggle with is my vitamins.  I am very very deficient in Iron.  I will be seeing the nutritionist about this soon.  I am so very tired all of the time.  I remember one of the things I had always heard was the amount of energy I would find once the weight started falling off.  Well, this has NOT been the case for me.  I feel like I'm walking around in a fog nearly all day every day.  I know I have other medical issues that cause chronic fatigue also, I just need to get a grip on all of the different concerns I have and get moving forward!

I hope that all of you are doing well, and are gaining some info from me in regards to my ongoing struggle.  Here is to a new year to improve our health!!