Friday, November 15, 2013

Slow but sure

Well I once again apologize for the delay in updating.  Things here are moving along.  I feel fine, and continue to lose weight.  I'm not losing as quickly as I thought I would.  I am currently waiting to enter "ONE"derland.  Last night the scale said 200.5 lbs.  so I haven't lost a lot since I last posted.  I went weeks without losing anything, and then suddenly I'd see a 4 or 6 lb. loss, it's strange.  I just try to keep my protein in and continue to work on my water intake.  I can get about 1 1/2 bottles down a day at this point which is HUGE compared to the beginning!

I still drink my premier protein for breakfast, and then usually have a small piece of fish or chicken for lunch, or some cottage cheese with pears or peaches for lunch.  Dinner varies, but I try to make sure whatever I eat, that it is tasty!  I have found that I'm not hungry most of the time at all!  I really am learning finally how to understand the difference between head hunger and actual physical hunger.  This is wonderful for me, because I hear others talk about it at group and I've been waiting to experience it myself.. so I'm happy to be learning more along this journey. 

We went to Disneyland a few weeks ago.  It was nice to walk around easier, and get on the rides easier without worrying if I would fit!  Honestly... c'mon people... I used to always ask before getting in lines at amusement parks if I would fit on the ride.  We have all been there when someone has been asked to get off, and I never wanted it to be me, so I just never even tried.  When the older kids were younger, I would just stand and wait and watch them have fun all day with their dad.  Sometimes, I would really want to go, so as I said, I would ask the workers if they thought I would fit before getting in line.  I was never once told "no" and I never once didn't fit, but oh, I worried, A LOT!  I will never forget the first trip we took to Disneyland and we went on splash mountain.  Well, all of you know that you are lucky enough to have a camera flash in your face as you are headed down in the "splash" part of the mountain.  After you get of the ride, and run over to look at the screens to see how your picture turned out, and decide if you want to purchase it.. so exciting, right?  Well not if you or your children were sitting behind me!  You wouldn't be able to see anything but an arm... which is what happened to my poor Isabel.  if we didn't see that arm we never would have even known she was there.  It was so sad, and depressing, and embarrassing for me.  After that, I never rode in any seat other than the very back.  I don't know if I will ever forget that picture.  Well, this time was much different.  Do you know that I never even tried to get on the teacups with Isabel because I didn't think I would fit?  That poor girl never got to ride those teacups until this year when we all fit just fine!  I'm so grateful for the new "life" I am learning to live.

We also spent some time in San Diego since I last posted.  Below is the first picture I've had taken by strangers that I'm not embarrassed to show.  It's an amazing feeling to feel that even though I am still very overweight, I'm so much more accepted in society.  We had so much fun that weekend, and did lots and lots of walking!

I have learned to stay away from sugar.  COMPLETELY!  It's just not a good idea, we don't need it, and quite frankly, my body hates it!  My dear husband purchased some "no sugar added" Dreyer's ice cream for me hoping that I could eat it.  Well, of course, I had to try it (for his sake, right?!).  Well, that didn't go well!  AT ALL!  Don't get me wrong, it tasted wonderful, but within minutes I felt miserable, and could not keep my eyes open!  It's one of the strangest sensations, but honestly... I couldn't keep my eyes open.  I was miserable, and asleep.  Well, if that wasn't my lesson learned, just a few nights ago I had a small, VERY small handful of dry Lucky Charms cereal... same consequences.  So, needless to say, no more sugar for me!  It's just not worth it!

I try to stick with just protein for the most part.  The fruit that I can eat helps me get some carbs in.  I was excited to find Fiber One cottage cheese this week.  I have had some twice, the taste is a bit different, but I think worth it for me because I need that extra fiber :)

Hair loss - it is real, and it is drastic.  It is much more than I thought it would be, and I continue to lose every day.  It started getting really bad about a month ago, and hasn't slowed down.  My hair is VERY thin.  Oh well!  Just one of those things.  It will grow back!

I am still not using any of my other medications for my RA or Fibro.  I have learned that the Enbrel injections hurt MUCH worse now that there isn't as much fat in the top of my thighs!  The other medication is Methotrexate which caused hair loss... well we all know I don't need help with that right now.. so no thanks! 

I'm very happy with the decision I made to do this, and I'm pleased with my journey so far.  I look forward to living more life, and hope that all of you feel the same.  There is so much out there for us!!

Here are a few pictures.....obviously I wasn't too happy he was taking this first one...also pictured here was me on the mall train with Brooklyn... I've NEVER been on that train... I was amazed I got on.. but I did, and look at how happy she was to have me there!  So worth it :)